Informational Links
Special Eduction Resource Library |
The Washington Assistive Technology Foundation works to provide access to assistive technology for people with disabilities. Please share the following information on new resources available to parents and caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorders. |
Procedural Safeguards:Parents may request assistance in understanding the Procedural Safeguards from the Special Education Staff in any of the school buildings. |
You can find everything you ever wanted to know about special education in the state of Washington from this site!
The National Institutes of Health has information about every aspect of human health. There is an entry for just about any question you might have! Home Page has a link to "Health". If you click on the "A-Z Health Topics", you can look things up quickly. |
Center for Change in Transition Services
CCTS provides professionals and families with resources and information that pertain to transition and post-school outcomes. |
Special Education Ombusdman A support from OSPI for parents.
•· Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA ) Home Page. ... GENERAL; Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ( FERPA ) Family Policy Compliance Office (FPCO) Home
Informs families about IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1997). This site has lots of information about FAPE , laws and regulations, and associated links.
•·Parent-directed organization that exists to increase independence, empowerment, and future opportunities for consumers with special needs, their families and communities, through ...