Snow Routes
Bus #4 – Yellow
Bus will not go down Horizon Pioneer. Stop will be at Koeppen Rd.
Bus #2
Muskrat Drive, Horsefall Ave., and 166th Ave – Bus stop will be up top at the fire station where Muskrat meets Vail Loop
Myers St at or near the top – Bus stop will be at the intersection of Myers and Easy St
Grove Lane – Stop will be at the top at the intersection
Bus #7 – Green
Muskrat Drive, Horsefall Ave, and 166th Ave – Bus stop will be up top at the fire station where Muskrat meets Vail Loop
Brasher Lane – Bus stop will be at the beginning of Brasher Lane, on Vail Loop
Bus #10 – Purple
Grove Lane – Stop will be at the top of the hill on 133rd Ave
Bus #6 – Blue
Mcintosh Ridge – All stops will be at the main gates. Deschutes Colony – Bus stop will be up at the main gate.
Cedarwood, Terrace Ave, and McIntosh St – Stops will be on Military Rd intersections
Bus #1 – Red
Bus #5 – Orange
Industrial Drive and Sunrise Lane – Bus stop will be at the intersection of Tipsoo Loop S. and Sunrise Lane.
Hillcrest Drive – Bus stop will be at bottom of Hillcrest where it meets Koeppen Rd
123rd – Bus will go no further than Zeller Rd. Any further stops on 123rd will need to be at the 123rd and Zeller intersection.
Hobby St. - All stops on Hobby will be at the Koeppen and Hobby intersection.
118th Ave – Bus will not stop at the bottom of the biggest hills. Stops will be at the top of each.
When snow routes are active, buses may be up to 15 minutes ahead of schedule on certain parts of the route. Please be out at your stops extra early.