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Employee Benefits

Washington State Health Care Authority logo

School Employees Benefits Board (SEBB) Program

Medical, Dental, Vision - Manage your benefits from SEBB My Account 

SEBB My Account uses Secure Access Washington (SAW) multi factor authentication (MFA). The recommendation is to use your personal email when creating your account. That will allow you to continue to use your log in should you move to a different district.
The first step – Create a SAW account The following steps are necessary before you can log into SEBB My Account for the first time (if you do not already have a SAW account). 

For full benefit information, visit Health Care Authority of Washington - SEBB. See the School Employee Enrollment Guide to get started.

Visit the SEBB Virtual Benefits Fair to gather information on the following benefits available to you:


Washington State Department of Retirement Systems logo

Department of Retirement Systems
Retirement Benefits

New Employees choosing a Retirement Plan (SERS, TRS): Click Here to view a video
For questions regarding your retirement plan, please call 1-800-547-6657 or visit the website at

Deferred Compensation

DCP is an IRC Section 457 plan administered by the Washington State Department of Retirement Systems (DRS). DCP is similar to a 403b program.


Further investment options with a 403(b)
Click here for 403(b) options


For questions about any of these programs - contact the Payroll & Benefits Office: 360-446-9219